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【产品名称】Health Plus 结肠清洗配方 清肠纤维素粉 255g 改善便秘
成人:对于成人体重150磅以上的人:每次 1汤匙,每日三次。
Other Ingredients: Citric Acid, Tartaric Acid, Orange Flavor, Stevia Leaf Extract.
Health Plus Colon Cleanse with Stevia Refreshing Strawberry Flavor - 9 oz. (266 g)
Health Plus Colon Cleanse with Stevia is a flavorful experience to accompany the benefits of psyllium fiber. Enjoy the benefits of Health Plus Colon Cleanse with Stevia, made from Psyllium Husk! Health Plus Colon Cleanse with Stevia Psylluim husk sweetened with strawberry flavor contains soluble fiber. Soluble fiber reacts by absorbing water in the intestine creating a gel substance. During this reaction, Health Plus Colon Cleanse with Stevia aids in: a healthy digestive system, heart health, weight management, regularity, and detoxification of the colon.
The body's first line of defense is a healthy colon. However, the internal detoxification process can break down from: overexposure to environmental pollutants in our air, food and water, poor diet, lack of adequate fiber, excessive alcohol and caffeine, high stress, lack of exercise, overuse of anti-biotics and prescription medications. These produces a state of toxicity and Health Plus Colon Cleanse with Stevia then becomes one of the most important steps in detoxification.
Health Plus Colon Cleanse with Stevia is a burst of refreshing strawberry flavor!
- Each serving supplies 20% daily value of fiber
- Maintains a healthy heart
- Naturally absorbs toxins in the colon
- Cleanses the lining of the intestine
- Mixes well with water or juice
- Maintains regularity
- Sweetened with Stevia
Health Plus Colon Cleanse with Stevia:
- Fiber Intake
- Regularity
- Low Carb Diets
- Diabetic & Cholesterol Management

SKU | C722 |
Color | 否 |
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