美国直邮,品质有保障! Review by 等到花儿谢了
Quality Price Service * 美国直邮,品质有保障!做父母的,都希望把最好的给孩子,希望店家能够一如既往的把产品做好,价格做实惠点,用客户来宣传比什么广告都要有效果,希望可以帮到其他寻找资源的父母们! (Posted on 12/31/24)
好产品 Review by wodexiaoban
Quality Price Service * 之前有朋友从美国带过,宝宝也爱吃。有一股淡淡的香味,自己尝了味道也不错。宝宝一直在用,头发又黑又密,眼睛很亮。 (Posted on 2/12/24)
东东好的没话说 Review by 徐子乔
Price Quality Service * 这次买了四瓶,够吃一年的量。第二次购买了,东东好的没话说,朋友们最近看到我家宝儿,都说她眼睛好亮! (Posted on 2/3/24)
价格不重要 货正才重要 Review by 绣花拳
Price Quality Service * DHA目前我只在这买 价格不重要 货正才重要 好评 (Posted on 12/31/23)
- Martek Life's DHA Omega-3 DHA
- DHA omega-3 dietary supplement for brain, eye and heart health
- 90 All-vegetarian softgels providing 100mg DHA each
- You get the benefits of DHA without the worry of ocean-borne pollutants and toxins potentially found in certain fish
- NEW, all-natural, All-vegetarian source of DHA, smaller softgels for kids
SKU | F241 |
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