为女儿高兴 Review by 红萍55
Quality Price Service * 是买给女儿吃的 她嘴角一年四季的要发炎 特别吃辣的 还有烫的一吃 整一圈嘴巴发红 用过好多药膏 也吃过药 没见得好 听了朋友的建议吃了这种维生素,很快嘴角就结痂了,最近女儿心情特别好,哪个女孩不爱美呢?为女儿高兴! (Posted on 2/19/25)
第二次来买,老公快吃完一瓶了,他的口腔溃疡比之前好点了。 Review by 凌枫
Quality Price Service * 第二次来买,老公快吃完一瓶了,他的口腔溃疡比之前好点了。 (Posted on 2/6/25)
好开心呀 Review by cool1991
Quality Price Service * Nature Made真的不错,吃了几天,手指上的倒刺好了很多,不再那么痛了,好开心呀! (Posted on 1/27/25)
效果是有的 Review by 仇国奇
Quality Price Service * 家里的一瓶已经快没了,这次vc和vb一起吃的,每天坚持服用,效果还是有的,牙龈出血减少了,小的伤口也更容易恢复! (Posted on 1/24/25)
吃了以后,孕吐反应好多了,挺好的,赞! Review by dujingying
Quality Price Service * 吃了以后,孕吐反应好多了,挺好的,赞! (Posted on 1/14/25)
够划算 Review by 今与昔
Price Quality Service * 一瓶够吃一年了,真是够划算。吃了几天,感觉人的精力好点,不知道是不是心理作用。 (Posted on 11/4/24)
好 Review by 大话乾坤
Quality Price Service * 虽然没有多大明显的感觉。但自从吃了B族和维生素C,经常感冒的我今年木有感冒。所以果断再购入一瓶。 (Posted on 10/25/24)
好 Review by 宇杰
Price Quality Service * 到货很快,之前吃的是朋友美国带回来的,效果还不错 (Posted on 10/23/16)
好 Review by 淑春
Price Quality Service * 吃过来评价,对保健耳神经很有作用,吃了一段时间,耳鸣减轻了很多。 (Posted on 8/10/16)
Vitamin B12, also referred to as Cobalamin, belongs to the family of water-soluble B vitamins and is involved in a number of key pathways and processes that help the body function at its best.(1) Vitamin B12 is needed for the production of energy from fats and proteins, for the formation and growth of red blood cells and for the synthesis of DNA. Vitamin B12 also helps maintain a healthy nervous system and promotes normal homocysteine levels, which is important for cardiovascular health.†(2) Vitamin B12 absorption is known to become less efficient with age so supplementation is often recommended for individuals over 50. Vitamin B12 supplements are also recommended for vegan and vegetarian individuals since Vitamin B12 is found in foods of animal origin. †These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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