真是赚到了 Review by 罗兰estate
Price Quality Service * 宝贝的包装实在,满满的一大瓶哦,够俺家的吃上三个月。吃完这一瓶看看有什么效果没有,这个价格真是赚到了,希望以后赶上活动价,那时候再多囤点。也可送亲朋好友。 (Posted on 3/7/25)
超赞 Review by 大宝儿呀
Price Quality Service * 刚开始吃,希望有效果,客服态度很好,很耐心的回答了我好多问题,到最后我都有点嫌自己烦了,他还没烦,真是好人,超赞! (Posted on 3/4/25)
吃了都说好 Review by 何雯雯
Quality Price Service * 给婆婆一瓶,妈妈一瓶,吃了都说好 (Posted on 2/27/25)
没撒味道 Review by zjxlxzs
Price Quality Service * 吃起来没撒味道,份量足,性价比高,满意! (Posted on 2/13/25)
性价比很高 Review by 瓶中的恶魔
Quality Price Service * 不错,正品 ,补钙不二选择,包装不错哦,性价比很高! (Posted on 2/7/25)
好 Review by 2月14日游离
Price Quality Service * 奶奶腿脚不便,常在屋里待着,晒不到太阳,买瓶VD给他吃,配合钙片,补充钙质,希望奶奶身体健康,寿比南山! (Posted on 2/4/25)
性价比高啊 Review by 马延龙
Price Quality Service * 性价比高啊!给奶奶带的,看来能吃差不多一年啊,那不错啊!分量够! (Posted on 1/20/25)
效果挺好 Review by 大赢家
Quality Price Service * 第二次买了,我有运动习惯,还喜欢喝咖啡,所以很需要补充VD和钙,效果挺好的,没有腿疼,关节疼的现象了,宝贝很值,性价比很高 (Posted on 1/17/25)
可怜天下父母心 Review by wenny
Price Quality Service * 买给孩子吃的,他周围的同学都在吃美产的各种保健品,没办法,毕业班呀,又是长身体的时候,只要孩子好,我们做什么都值了! (Posted on 1/17/25)
瓶子超大的,一瓶几乎可以吃一年,真心便宜呵 Review by chaseger315
Price Quality Service * 瓶子超大的,一瓶几乎可以吃一年,真心便宜呵 (Posted on 12/27/24)
,“我一定会回来的!!!” Review by 爱者之贻
Price Quality Service * 用灰太郎的话说,“我一定会回来的!!!”好东西好服务终究会被大家所喜爱 (Posted on 12/14/24)
是正品,很合算 Review by 明伊
Price Quality Service * 官网查询防伪码了,是正品,比店铺便宜很多,很合算,不管是售前客服还是售后客服态度都不错,有需要以后再来。 (Posted on 12/6/24)
效果奇佳 Review by 踏雪寻梅
Price Quality Service * 多喝牛奶,配合吃VD,改善老年人腿痛腿酸易抽筋,效果奇佳! (Posted on 11/25/24)
一如既往的好 Review by 美哉心中
Quality Price Service * 跟鱼油一起买的,一如既往的好!我一直都在吃这家的!呵呵!快递好快哦!太惊喜了! (Posted on 10/18/24)
绝配 Review by 琥珀花纹
Price Quality Service * 搭配钙剂一起吃的,绝配! (Posted on 10/9/24)
性价比高 Review by 许辰迪
Quality Price Service * 买给婆婆吃的,正在服用,价格实惠,性价比高。卖家包装完好,生产日期是今年10月,新鲜。 (Posted on 6/5/24)
都说是好东西 Review by 阿琦elcl
Price Quality Service * 今天刚收到的。看见我买了,周围人都说这是好东西。赞! (Posted on 4/16/24)
好 Review by 宇杰
Price Quality Service * 到货很快,之前吃的是朋友美国带回来的,效果还不错 (Posted on 2/5/17)
性价比高。 Review by 陈
Price Quality Service * 维生素D3可以促进钙的吸收,这个很实惠,喜欢。 (Posted on 3/20/16)
效果明显。 Review by 陈
Quality Price Service * 牙齿似乎比以前好了,感觉咬硬的东西承受力比以前强了,还是很有效果的。 (Posted on 8/20/15)
Maintaining healthy levels of vitamin D in your body has been shown to be an important part of your overall health. Nature Made Vitamin D3 1000 IU tablets are made of vitamin D3, the body’s preferred form of vitamin D.† Supports bone, teeth, muscle and immune health.† Aids in calcium absorption in the body.† What is vitamin D and what does it do? Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in very few foods and added to others through fortification. It is also available as a dietary supplement. Vitamin D2, or ergocalciferol, is plant-derived, while vitamin D3, cholecalciferol, is animal-derived. Vitamin D is also produced endogenously when ultraviolet rays from sunlight strike the skin and trigger vitamin D synthesis. The skin synthesis is reduced by clothing, sunscreen, air pollution, older age, darker skin pigmentation, being indoors, winter season, and higher latitude. As scientific research into vitamin D matures, the ubiquity of its influence and breadth of its importance is becoming realized. To date, strong evidence supports vitamin D’s role in bone, teeth, muscle and immune health. Vitamin D supports strong bones and teeth by aiding in calcium absorption from food and supplements, helping to regulate calcium and phosphorus homeostasis, and regulating bone remodeling processes. Vitamin D deficiency leads to bone deformation and softening, manifested as rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. Along with calcium, vitamin D is needed for normal bone mineralization processes, and insufficient intake of these nutrients increases one’s risk for thin, brittle bones (osteoporosis), falls and fractures. Additionally, normal neuromuscular function requires vitamin D, and our immune system cells need vitamin D to effectively perform their intended function. Vitamin D receptors have been discovered in cells and tissues throughout the body and emerging research on its extraskeletal role is being investigated.† Suggested Use: Take one tablet daily with a meal. Other Ingredients: Calcium Carbonate, Cellulose Gel, Maltodextrin, Croscarmellose Sodium, Stearic Acid, Magnesium Stearate, Corn Starch, Gelatin. No Color Added. No Artificial Flavors. No Preservatives. No Yeast. Gluten Free Keep out of reach of children. For Consumer Questions or Inquiries call 1-800-276-2878 or visit www.naturemade.com
SKU | D443 |
Color | No |