赞 Review by 美丽达人
Quality Price Service * 信任美猫的东西 宝宝吃了没有不良反映 以前我宝宝吃鱼肝油就拉肚子 吃这款一点问题都没有 赞! (Posted on 2/19/25)
还是美国的产品好 Review by 晕晕倒倒
Quality Price Service * 之前宝宝吃的是国产的伊可新,后来新闻爆料伊可新有问题。吓得赶快停掉了。这个据说是美国儿科医生推荐的品牌,目前用了一周,没有不良反应,还是美国的产品好。唉,国货什么时候才能叫我们放心呢? (Posted on 1/19/25)
方便 Review by 宇宙超级无敌
Quality Price Service * 这鱼肝油听说不过,里面有试管,可以混在奶粉里面,方便! (Posted on 1/15/25)
欣慰 Review by lovekonglade
Price Quality Service * 传说中的挪威小鱼,本来想直接给宝宝服用,老公说,怕太腥宝宝会吐出来,后来放在奶里,宝宝没有反对,很自然地喝完了。欣慰! (Posted on 11/15/22)
食用方便 Review by 范
Quality Price Service * 期待效果 (Posted on 3/8/15)
Nordic Naturals Baby's DHA with Vitamin D3 Description
Natural Triglyceride Form
- Omega-3 Supplement
Made from 100% Arctic Cod Livers
Supports Brain and Visual Development
During a baby's first year their brain will more than double in size. DHA is the primary building block of brain tissue. Adequate intake of DHA is essential for proper brain development, and remains necessary throughout life to maintain brain health.
Nordic Naturals Baby's DHA is made from 100% Arctic Cod Liver oil, and is naturally high in the omega-3 DHA. DHA is essential for developing babies, and contains healthy levels of vitamins A and D.
Free OfGluten, milk derivatives, artificial colors and flavors.DisclaimerThese statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. -
SKU | H541 |
Color | No |