赞 Review by savannahyao
Quality Price Service * 摸着软软的,但相信应该不错,毕竟不含氟,孕妇用不错; (Posted on 2/14/25)
不错 Review by 娜么一年
Quality Price Service * 牙膏很软,试用了,不错,不含氟,比较放心。客服态度很好噢,赞! (Posted on 2/7/25)
很安全 Review by 大大大大米
Quality Price Service * 现在有关牙膏的帖子很火,特意看了一下是蓝色标代表天然+药物,对于孕妇来说很安全!!! (Posted on 10/11/24)
清爽 Review by 猴面包树
Quality Price Service * 口感清爽,容易清洁干净,用段时间再来追评 (Posted on 7/21/24)
超赞 Review by 风中有朵雨做的云
Price Quality Service * 很好用,朋友从美国带回来给我用过一次后,再也不想用其他牌子的了,第一次使用就有美白效果。对比了一下朋友美国带回来的,完全一样。再也不用麻烦朋友从美国带了,超赞! (Posted on 6/23/24)
牙膏不错 Review by 模范淑女
Quality Price Service * 怀孕的时候用的,牙膏不错,泡沫很细腻,之前一直用高露洁的,刷牙的时候都会很恶心想吐,用这个感觉好多了,基本上不会恶心 (Posted on 1/11/24)
非常喜欢,比国内的好多了 Review by 木果果
Price Quality Service * 第一次用这个牌子,非常喜欢,浓浓的薄荷味,泡沫很细腻,口感很好哒!比国内的牙膏感觉好多了!坚持用段时间看看美白效果。 (Posted on 3/2/23)
速度快 Review by yaoyao
Price Quality Service * 牙膏用着么有什么特殊的感觉 (Posted on 1/9/15)
Contains xylitol to help prevent plaque, zinc citrate to control tartar, and silica for whitening. Why Antiplaque Tartar Control plus Whitening Toothpaste? Fluoride-free formula Dear Friends, This product contains does not contain saccharin; artificial sweeteners, preservatives, colors, or flavors; or animal ingredients. Tom's of Maine products are tested for safety without the use of animals. Naturally, it works.™ Questions? Call 1-800-FOR-TOMS or visit tomsofmaine.com Vegan |
Indications |
Helps prevent plaque and tarter buildup. |
Warnings |
Keep out of reach of children under 6. |
SKU | 2449 |
Color | No |